Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oregon, you are funny

Here's what we woke up to this morning:

With the sun peeking through, this would be a pretty, somewhat pleasant, if cold, winter day in the midwest. But here, because of the ice on the roads and the lack of salt, everything shut down. No school, no morning appointments, no nothin'. Oh, well. Guess we will do the work we can from the coziness of our little home and enjoy the extra dose of lazy in our day. And not feel a bit guilty about an afternoon nap.


April said...

Oh to be in Oregon this morning! Instead I'll have to experience the same in Chicago...at the office...no pj pants all day...oh well. :)

Katie said...

I am glad you are embracing the NW Oregon winter way. An extra lazy morning and an afternoon nap! Amen.