Saturday, March 19, 2011

Project: Simplify -- Paper Clutter!!

The never-ending pi-i-ile...ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah...

The second hot-spot in's Project: Simplify is paper clutter. Joy! Unlike last week's challenge which I tackled in a day, this one took my alllllll week.

Where did all that paper come from? Here:


And here:

I got excited about sorting while catching up on old episodes of...wait--I gave up internet TV for Lent. Oh, yeah. How about some music?

This find in the pile gave me a good laugh:

I think I picked this up at a community event last summer!

With all the paper on the dining room table, I marveled at my cleanish surfaces.

Piles in process. I'm down to stuff-to-be-recycled, stuff-to-be-filed, stuff-to-attend-to, and stuff for-Eric-to-go-through.

Filing and attending.


A clean table again!

It's not pretty, but that's what the roll-top is for, is it not? Oh, you have something that needs to be attended to? Just put it in the artichoke hearts box please.

Now the trick is to stick to the system! I will do it this time!

1 comment:

Abby Green said...

Nice work!! I skipped this week because we have a fairly good paper system in place already. I was instead going to tackle my oh-so-disastrous pile of fabric which desperately needs organization, but sadly the week slipped away. Perhaps it'll be my extra credit for this week. :)