Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A few more birth day shots

My mom sent these pictures that she took on Auggie's birth day and the days that followed.

Lovely entryway to the Alma birth center:

Laboring together:

Meeting for the first time!


Two days old, with clothes on for the first time:

At home on day 4, some of our first visitors were the neighbor kiddos:

Nannie and Pops meeting Auggie for the first time, one week after his birth.

Today our sweet boy is one month old!


Kayla Rupp said...

WONDERFUL! That way you are looking up at Eric, that is the look of Mira for sure. I was brought back to lounging at Cessie's long hours into the night, talking about life and the future and cute boys (sorry Eric).

What a great life yours has turned out to be. What a treasure your little family is. Augustine is SO handsome and sweet.

Love you, my friend.

Abby Green said...

Why are those his and her bathrobes I see? :)

I love the photo of you holding Auggie and looking up at Eric. So precious!