Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I love Oregon in the springtime.

A few other things I am loving these days...

Auggie pulls himself up now and even tries out the one-handed support now and again.

I love that he loves eating so much. You may notice a few eating pictures here.

We are taking lots of walks these days and enjoying the sunshine and blossoms and incredible spring smells.

Peeing in the potty and signing "potty."

Eric turned 34 and we stuffed ourselves silly at the Veggie Grill, a fabulous new vegan place down the road.

Do not for one second think that because we are following a vegan diet that we are deprived.

Pretty into his own reflection these days.


Hanging out with Eliser.

Dinner with Alexis and Lalo at Gordito's, a Mexican place in Portland with a separate vegan menu. So unbelievably delicious.

After Gordito's, we headed to the Colliseum to see the Rose City Rollers all-star team take on Chicago in an amazing bout that came down to the last seconds. I cannot express how much I love roller derby.

One of Auggie's best friends these days is the dishwasher.

His other best friend.

Driving around in this nice find at our birth center's naked baby party (i.e. baby stuff exchange).

More swinging.

Not so content just sitting in the stroller anymore.

Happy spring to you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Happy eater

So far, Auggie's eating habits seem to be just like his papa's -- he eats everything and eats it with gusto.

Some things Auggie is into

Spoons. All kinds of spoons.

Reaching for stuff.

Chillin' out with his buds.

Playing with his borrowed wooden bus.

Showing off his teef. In addition to these four, he now has two more on the bottom!

Putting everything in his mouth. Nothing new there.

Hanging out with his mama. In fact, he currently screams in anyone else's arms.

Being nine months old!

Flying high

I know where we are going to be spending a lot of time now that the weather is warmer. Two seconds into his first time, it was clear that our guy loves to swing!