Sunday, October 21, 2007


We spent last weekend in Michigan. The leaves up north were so incredible but we were enjoying taking in the beauty so much that we hardly ever thought to take pictures when we were out walking around (which is a good thing). In the ones we did get, the camera just did not do the colors justice. The camera also failed to capture the rusty smell of crunchy just-fallen leaves that float around your ankles as you shuffle through the woods. Sorry--you'll just have to go yourself!

This one I touched up a bit on Photoshop:

Back in Holland, we joined my mom for the annual Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk. We started at Kollen Park and enjoyed the calmness of Lake Macatawa before we set out.

My mom was a regular tour guide along the route. She's helpful that way.

It was a perfect fall day for the farmer's market and we were inspired to buy some crispy Michigan apples and this lovely pumpkin. Oh, and some homemade jam, of course.

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