Sunday, December 09, 2007


A group of folks from the Starbucks store where I work, along with a few from other stores, volunteered for a huge Christmas celebration that a local non-profit puts on. We spent several hours helping kids with Christmas crafts, decorating cookies and dancing. Santa was even there! After a fun, but very late, night with Barrett and Megan, it was a bit difficult to get going in the morning, but I was so glad that I made it to this event!

The kids there were so sweet.

HombreArana (SpiderMan):

Skylar and Juan with another little artiste:

Amber (on the right) does the Macarena:

Oscar and Quiana before the rush:

After the event, we headed to Los Comales for some great Mexican food. What a difference it makes to really like your co-workers.

One more picture of the snow:

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