Sunday, February 24, 2008

Aqui Estoy

Kristin invited us to an amazing performance last night called Aqui Estoy. This phenomenal two part play is based on the stories of two undocumented immigrants, one from Honduras and one from Colombia, who live in the Albany Park neighborhood. Several years ago, a couple of young people involved in the Albany Park Theater Project spent time interviewing day laborers waiting for contractors on nearby corners in the early morning hours. The first half of the play, Amor de Lejos, is based on one of those day laborers, who left his wife and children at home and, after four attempts to cross Mexico, reached the US. The second half, Nine Digits, is based on a young member of the theater project who immigrated at the age of six and becomes trapped and haunted by his lack of a social security number. I am so sad that, after multiple extensions, last night was the last performance of the run, because I would like for everyone I know to see this play. The pieces use music and dance so beautifully and effectively, especially Amor de Lejos, in which the story unfolds in the midst of repetitive, dangerous, difficult work. Check out their website for more about the play, to access immigration resources, and to see a piece that PBS did on Aqui Estoy.

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