Tuesday, October 28, 2008

San Fran

Though our time there was way too short, we were so glad to have a little time last weekend to visit with friends in San Francisco. Two Sundays ago, we left the hotel in Berkeley where we had stayed after Carrie's wedding and headed over to SF on the BART. We met Eric's college friend, Tyler, at his apartment and then had lunch at this amazing vegan place called Herbivore.

In the afternoon, we walked up to the top corner of Dolores Park, which has an incredible view of the city. Sarah, our good friend from Oregon who is in grad school in SF, and her boyfriend, David, came to meet us. Amazingly, Sarah and Tyler live only a mile and a half from each other in the Mission District!
Leah, Tyler's girlfriend, met up with us for dinner another amazing restaurant (there are SO many in that neighborhood!) that serves vegetarian Japanese cuisine.

Walking through the Mission District.

Goose stayed with Tyler that night and they stayed out until 3a.m. I stayed with Sarah and the two of us drank tea on the couch and talked forever, but went to bed at a reasonable hour :) It was so so great to see her and I miss her more than ever now!

The next day, Eric, Sarah and I walked around a bit more. These trees are next to a cool community garden outside of City Hall.

When we went inside, it was neat to see some couples who had just gotten married. Two men were talking to a reporter on the steps after they tied the knot. It is difficult to think that a bill that could reverse the law making it possible for same-sex couples to wed in California will be on the ballot next week.

Lunch was at a delicious little Indian place with Naan bread bigger than your head!

We loved the Bay Area and want to go back when we have more time to see everything--and to hang out with all of our cool friends!

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