Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Madison with the Jersey Guyz

The Jersey Guys, in uniform, prepare for their first project at the youth convocation: the shout-out video. Jeff, Mark, and Goose:

Practicing for one of their hilarious skits:

Mark and company leading the youth in morning arobics (to "We Like to Party" by the Venga Boys).

Here's where Eric spent a lot of his time, editing videos to be shown in the large sessions:

We had lunch Friday with Bridget, Casey and Sam (Jeff's family) at Rocky Rococco Pizza. Casey (a big fan of Madagascar) entertained by singing (and dancing to) "I Like to Move It, Move It" ("back it up, back it up") and Sam was so smiley and charming. We were so happy to finally meet their littlest guy.

On Saturday, I went downtown to meet Anna V., a Holy Covenant friend who just moved to Madison about a month ago. We enjoyed visiting over coffee and walked through the cool area around the capitol building.

It was also nice to visit with Tina and Kris, a couple of other Garrett friends who are in the Wisconsin Conference of the UMC.

1 comment:

JB said...

Great pictures Mira! It was so nice to see you guys. I love the one of Eric with Sam - he is a natural - I'm just sayin' :)