Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day of rest

I am thankful that we had a day completely off while the weather was so amazing (it's back to rainy, cool and overcast today). We slept in late and ate amazing strawberry pancakes for breakfast. Thank goodness Eric likes to cook--left up to me, we'd be eating cereal for every meal. We sipped our coffee on the back deck as the sun chased us closer and closer to the house. By the time we began to get ready for the day, it was nearly lunchtime! We packed some sammies and leftover strawberry shortcake and rode our bikes to a nice park in Forest Grove for a picnic.

Best sammies ever:

We read on our blanket in the shade for a while....

...until a giant lawn mower chased us away. We hopped on our bikes and headed to Mat and Leah's and Leah and Freya were just hanging around. Since their cat makes my head turn to concrete, we are their outside friends--and are now so very thankful that it is warm enough to hang out outside again! Freya is now five weeks old and is getting (relatively) big!

After our visit, we rode to a different park and played catch with the softball for a while. Saturday was our first practice for the rec softball team we've joined. It is so fun to be playing again and have more motivation for staying in shape!

We ended the day with a yummy taco dinner, showers, a movie and a glass of wine...and we fell asleep early and happily! What a wonderful day!

A few of the gorgeous flowers around our place... This rhododendron is in front of the church:

A calla lilly along the walkway between the parsonage and the church:

More rhodies next to our house:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful flower photos! Those Oregon blooms are so fantastic.

Mom C