Saturday, February 13, 2010

funny kiddos

A few things that 1st graders have said to me this week:

"That's enough, Rustbucket!"
While playing a game: Kid-"It's my turn, Frankie!" Me-"Who's Frankie?" Kid-"Oh, Frankie's a dog."
"I know how to blow snot out of my nose really good--since I was two years old!"
"Ms. Conk, Ms. Conk!"

In the Kinder class where I was helping kids with a project, a student who had finished and was helping other kids went up to the teacher and whined (pointing to me), "I'm supposed to be the helper, but that lady's doing everything!"

From another kid in my kinder group, gesturing to his throat: "I can't talk very loud because my tentacles got ripped out."

After a fun but crazy celebration of Valentine's Day (read: tons of candy!!) with the kiddos, I am happy to have a three day weekend!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I love the Kindergarten "helper" comment!