Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The city of our baby's birth

At least that's the plan! We've been spending a good amount of time in Portland as we prepare for the arrival of Lil Miric to the outside world. This is the Alma Midwifery birth center, where we've received wonderful, personal care by our team of three midwives. Inside this old house are gorgeously finished birthing rooms with unique woodwork and huge tubs. You can see some of the rooms here (their newest one is almost ready and isn't yet on the page).

This is the Alma meeting space a few blocks away where we took our childbirth class and where I've attended summer mama groups and taken a breastfeeding class.

Across the street from the meeting space:

This is the neighborhood around the birth center.

These two are in front of the Metanoia Peace House, where Eric and I have been gathering with folks monthly to dream about new ways of engaging in intentional community in the Portland area. One of us always comments about how lush it is here and how amazing it is that this is "inner-city" Portland. And then we always get this Flight of the Conchords song in our head.

Last time we visited, we were surprised by some clucking hens that were nestled in under some bushes just behind where we stood when this picture was taken.

This one is technically taken across the river from Portland in Vancouver, but it seemed fitting to include it here. After one of our appointments with our midwives, we headed to Cotton Babies, a cloth diaper wonderland and natural parenting store where we purchased our car seat and got to try out some wraps and carriers with a weighted doll. They do lots of their business online, but we are lucky enough to have one of only three national stores near us!


April said...

Looks like you are almost ready! If that's an ergo baby carrier, we have one and LOVE it. We still use it for Julian who is 19 months and 24lbs!

Abby Green said...

The birth center looks lovely...and so does the neighborhood around it. I love to dream about intentional living too...perhaps we'll have to move to portland. :) I agree with April, we are a big fan of the ergo.