Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scenes from a birthday

One of my birthday wishes was to have some time to sew, so I finished Auggie's rain pants!

Our friends Jim and Darold hung out with Auggie so we could go out on a real date. I will not mention the last time we went out on a date. It was so long ago that it's embarrassing.

Dinner at PaaDee Thai. Some of the best Thai I've had. Plus the company was pretty good.

 Moonrise Kingdom at the Laurelhurst Theater. Wes Anderson hasn't disappointed yet! This was our first movie out together since two nights before Auggie was born, when we saw Win-Win at the same place (that may or may not have been our last date night). We even sat in the same seats.

 My hot date.
Being 33 has been pretty great so far.

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