Sunday, September 10, 2006

blog blog blog

Mira here. We've enjoyed the chance to get to know some more people from Holy Covenant UMC this past week. On Wednesday evening, there was a gathering called "Theology on Tap" at the Trinity Pub, just down the street from the church. It was great to chat with the 7 or 8 other folks, including pastor Trey, in a really relaxed setting--and the fact that it was half-off-everything night was a bonus! And then the next morning, we met Trey at the Heartland Cafe for breakfast. He is such a down-to-earth, balanced person who really seems to be in tune with what's going on with people in the congregation as well as in the community--really just a great pastor all around in our opinion. We had lots of fun talking and learning a bit about his background and he had a great connection for Eric--a guy named Erik who is a filmmaker and does pretty much exactly what Eric would like to be doing. His company, The Media Bunch, does contract work for annual conferences in the UMC and makes independent films. Hopefully Eric and Erik will be able to get together soon!

On Friday, we went with Josh, Deborah, Lisa and Brad to the "Around the Coyote" art festival in Wicker Park. The festival's focus was on new and emerging, under-exibited artists, and though there was one artist whose work was downright disturbing, much of the work was pretty cool. One of the photographs we liked was taken in Millenium Park, downtown Chicago, and I discovered later it had won a prize in the TimeOut Chicago photo contest 2006. If you go to this page, it's the second large one down--the reflection of a kid playing in the fountain (by C. Grant). While you're on the page, you should just go ahead and look at all the other prize-winning photos on there because they offer a little slice of Chicago life.

After enjoying lots of art over samplins of wine and cheesy snacks, Lisa and Brad headed back north and Eric and I went with Josh and Deborah to the Map Room (I don't know why they called it that...), where we...munched on napkins.

Ok, this is a survey. First, take a look at the picture above. Now take a look at the pictures below:

Note: I did not take these pictures, but borrowed them from some silly celebrity website.

Survey questions:
1). Do either of the men in picture number 1 bear any resemblance to Kevin Bacon, who is featured in pictures 2 and 3?
2). If yes, which one looks more like him?
3). Is there anything disturbing to you about Eric's left arm in picture number 1?

Thank you for your time.

One more exciting thing. When we went to Holy Covenant this morning, Andy, Lisa, and Brad came with us! And then after the service (which was really great), on the hospitality table there were chocolate cupcakes AND real-life Cheetos--the fat kind. That's my kind of coffee hour.


Anonymous said...

Eric, I don't remembr an abnormally long arm at your birth. Has this ocurred recently?

Your mother

Anonymous said...

The guy in picture #1 is better looking than the guys in 2 and 3!

Dan Thompson-Aue said...

Isn't it weird that Eric's double has the name "bacon"?

About the arm . . . maybe it's the first stage of Eric and Mira starting to look alike, which happens to old married couples . . .

: ) Dan