Saturday, May 05, 2007

More sweet than bitter, bitter than sweet

Last night Dan had a fabulous party to celebrate Katie, a good friend and the Garrett intern at Holy Covenant UMC who is leaving us in a few weeks for her appointment in Louisiana. We will miss her so much!! Dan lives in an amazing place in the South Loop, directly above the L tracks.

We shared memories of and stories about Katie, which was hilarious and also really nice. And the rest of the time we just ate and ate and talked and laughed.

Goose and Rich had some long, in-depth discussions about motorcycles, which Rich has been riding forever and which Eric will never ride if I have anything to do with it!

Rich, Katie, and Dan:

Katie and me:

The night before, Mike Moore flew in from California to stay with us for the night before heading out to Reynoldswood camp to visit his parents (they run the place). They're so cuddly with each other!

A lovely weekend with friends. We are so fortunate to know the folks we do!

1 comment:

JB said...

Hey Mira and Eric - Thanks for saying hello on our blog, it has lead me to yours - great to read about your lives in Chicago, sounds like life is busy and fun! Let us know if you are ever coming to Bham - us and CTG all live "on campus" of FUMC and would love to see you! Take care!