Monday, May 26, 2008

Batch-in' It...but ready for Mira's Return

Eric here. It has been just over a week since Mira left for Oaxaca. It's amazing what anxieties make themselves known once the person you love has left on such an amazing journey! I feel great because I just got off the phone with her from her cell phone, which is the first time since she has left that she has been able to use it--and the last time until her arrival in Tucson. Today (in fact as I write this) Mira and the rest of the smaller initial delegation are crossing back into the United States to participate in the Migrant Trail Walk. They will then cross back into Mexico and begin their 75 mile walk through the desert from near Sáric (Sasabe, Sonora, Mexico doesn't show up on the map), completing the 7 day journey in Tucson, AZ. Here is a link to what their journey may look like, more or less. While there is certainly an element of risk in such a journey, the members of this larger delegation (60 folks or so) will have plenty of food, water, and support vehicles accompanying them along the entire way. I know that many are concerned, as I am, about her safety, so in learning more about this myself, I have found this site to be quite helpful:

It is comforting than knowing that Mira will be accompanied by lots of Mennonites! Keep up those good thoughts and prayers for the many whose lives will be transformed into powerful and positive agents of change.

In the meantime, I have been doing some of the packing we need to do before we make our way out to Oregon, and seeing some friends from the Blind Faith Cafe, Joseph Marshak, my Holy Covenant men's group, Tony Didato, the Community Meal group that meets on Mondays, and of course, wrapping up my time at both Outdoor and Retreat Ministries and Glenview UMC. It has been great to keep all those connections going, knowing that all are in great hands!

Sorry for the lack of pictures, but "someone" has it on their trip! (not that I take many pictures anyway!)

Blessings to you all and bye for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted something during the time Mira is gone. You have been in my heart & prayers this week. Thanks for supporting Mira, so she could do something that is so important to her. Also, you are generously giving of your time to prepare for the move to Oregon, while Mira is not there to help you. Mira's a fortunate woman. You are the best!!