Friday, June 13, 2008

More farewells...

Jenn and Nate had us over for a New Sanctuary Coalition send-off. It was a gorgeous, windy night in Hyde Park and we very much enjoyed being out on Jenn's patio. The food was amazing and it was great, as always, to see these folks!

Nate, Javi, Lindsay, me, Jenny, Eric, Jenn, Stephanie:

Jenn and Javi serenade us with Ode to Joy:

Heading back to our place proved to be an adventure. Oh, CTA, how dear you are and yet how you vex me.

We had plenty of time for chatting at the Madison and Wabash stop. Eric and Mike (who lives in Pasadena and is on his way to a wedding) had come right to Jenn's from the airport, so he could use his suitcase for a bench--or a horsey.

He would be a good bouncer.

In front of the Adventures in Babysitting building:

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