Friday, August 26, 2011

Dos meses!

Augustine is two months old! New tricks include smiling, staying awake for long periods of time, holding his head up and looking around the room, and eating even more than before. He weighs in at 13 pounds, 4 ounces and was called husky by a sweet old lady for the first time the other day. Other favorites continue to be snuggling in the Moby Wrap, being outside, sitting in his vibrating chair, the hair dryer recording (which we have also come to love), and sleeping on papa's chest.

Said chair:

Dinner out with Leah, Freya and Mat. A big thank-you to the parents of Leah's student who gave her a very generous gift card to P.F. Chang's. We ate well.

All attempts at the "same bear, same chair" photos showed a sleeping Auggie, but I suppose that captures what his days are like as well as anything, no?

I love to notice all the little ways that Auggie changes each day and I already miss some things about Auggie's first days, like how the wrinkled skin on his back made him look like a shar pei, or how he was always the smallest baby around. Now when I go to the farmer's market or the store, I often see at least one baby who is smaller than he is. But he is still small enough that every other person smiles at me when they walk by or crane their necks to get a peak at his sweet sleeping face poking out of the carrier. I would, too.

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