Monday, August 28, 2006

Funny sign

This is Mira. I just wanted to say thank-you to all those who have shared encouraging words about the job-search. Before I left for my interview this morning, I checked my e-mail and had received four messages that were all so encouraging--they really made a difference! My interview went great and I'm sure my confidence had something to do with being reminded that I am not alone in this sometimes-challenging process and that many others have been or are in the same situation right now. So...I'll be hearing back with two weeks (that feels like forever!) about second interviews for that position and will have three more interviews this week. So thanks for the thoughts and prayers and encouraging words--they mean a lot! And I'll keep you updated.

I also wanted to share with you a strage hand-written variation of a common sign that Eric and I noticed on the door of a convenient store near our apartment. It makes me laugh every time I walk by:


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