Saturday, July 12, 2008

The trip

It took about 7 hours to get from the cabin to our new place in Cornelius, Oregon and our new car, Silvie, carried us faithfully there! I even drove a good deal of the trip, which was an accomplishment given that I had just learned to drive a manual two days before.

I'm happy because I'm not trying to get into first gear on an incline:

Coming down through eastern Washington from Spokane is pretty but seems ho-hum compared to the drive along the Columbia River Gorge. I love this part of the trip!

We both got so excited when Mt. Hood came into view. This is one gorgeous mountain.

As we got closer to Portland, a tad bit of rain fell, just to remind us that we were in Oregon again.

Coming into downtown Portland.

This picture may not look remarkable (for Oregon), but it is taken only 3 minutes after the previous one--this is right next to downtown!

From the interstate to Cornelius. The mountains in the background are a coastal range. Just on the other side--the Pacific Ocean!

Here is the Gooseman in our temporary home (we couldn't move into the parsonage for a couple of days), playing with Waddle, our new GPS--thanks Annie and Brody! Waddle and Silvie (our car) are named for some sports talk show guys Eric sometimes listens to.

We celebrated by enjoying some Oregon raspberries and strawberries with a lovely Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. We have arrived!

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