Monday, December 22, 2008


We did some baking last night and decided to get out of the house for a bit today and share some carrot cupcake goodness (with cream cheese frosting!)--plus the recipe--with some of our neighbors. A few people weren't home (how did they get of of their houses and off our snow-filled street?), but most were, and we even met a new family that happened to be out walking. And we made that new family take some of our cupcakes. One family said they want to have us over sometime, two families said they were going to share their tamales (a Christmas tradition in some Latino cultures) with us on Wednesday and one couple invited us to their Christmas day dinner! And just for showing up at their door with cupcakes! It's so nice to be getting to know people and to have such nice neighbors! And it makes it not seem so bad to be stuck at home.

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