Saturday, December 06, 2008


I'm firmly in Advent mode but cookie-making and church-program-planning have pulled me into more Christmas-oriented thinking these past couple of days. Considering our global/national/personal financial reality, I am thankful that both sides of our family decided last year to draw names for this year's gift-giving. So, it's good not to have pressure to spend lots of money, but, more than that, I think that the movement toward simplicity is movement in the right direction. For so many reasons. I have enjoyed so far and am looking forward to time spent on personal, hand-made gifts. I am taking advantage of free moments (and trying to set aside previously-programmed moments!) to watch and wait in silence. To look into the darkness and hold hope that somewhere, sometime soon, a small light will break through. But to be okay with the darkness for now. So often, the focus on planning programs, gifts and events (even church gatherings!) distracts me from gazing into that dark. I might even force the light on sometimes, but the beams are so bright that I can't see what I'm looking at. So I'll try to stay in the dark for a bit. To try to really get it so that, when the light comes, I can get that. Receive it. Welcome it. Live in it.

Some of the places that remind me of ways to keep Christmas gift-giving simple and meaningful, so we can focus on being with people and preparing with hope for the arrival of this baby that will change everything: Advent Conspiracy, New American Dream and Buy Nothing Christmas.

An early gift for us--kids + cookies + joy of making stuff together.

Being with children as they laugh and create and learn and eat cookies? Nothing better. Except for the big hug afterward.

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