Thursday, December 31, 2009

First snowfall!

On Tuesday afternoon around 2:00, snow suddenly, unexpectedly, furiously began to fall. Huge, fluffy, sticky flakes! It hadn't even been in the forecast! I hurriedly jumped in the car to get some errands done before leaving the next day for Spokane, but after an hour and a half driving slowly around town, I decided to cut my rounds short because the snow was getting thick and the roads slippery. Thankfully, I was able to add one last-minute item to the errand list before heading home--buy chains! They are practically required here, where no one plows or salts and few have much experience driving in the snow!

I still had a few more stops to make, though, so after putting the car in the garage where it couldn't hurt anyone, I stepped into my snow-pants and boots and set out. It had only been a few hours, but the snow was getting deep and starting to look so pretty on everything!

After my final errand, I walked to Alondra's house. My little and I were going to see a movie that afternoon, but with the change in weather, we decided to play outside instead! We walked slowly from her house to mine (about a mile), stopping to admire lights and rooftops and make snow angels.

At our house, we made a pretty good-sized snowman, which Alondra named Eric. The pine-needle hair-tuft was also her idea. A nice touch, I think :) We laughed a lot while working on this guy.

Alondra and I definitely had much more fun together being silly and creative and enjoying nature than we would have had at the movies!

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