Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chicago people

We had a wonderful extended stay in Chicago (thanks, snowstorm!) and got to spend some good time with Hilary, Scott and the fabulous Sadie, who just turned one!

The serious eater:

Squeaky clean Sadie Bug:

Cute lil toes poking out.
Kristin came over one night for dinner--yay!

Unckage and The Bug:

With the bundled Bug at Potbelly:

Our most foolish, er..faithful friends who went out at the height of the blizzard to meet us at the Hidden Shamrock for some great pub food and drinks. Joe, Carrie and Joseph. What a great night!

Back to Pilsen, just down the block from our former home, for Community Meal and Mark and Julie's (well-insulated) place:

Out in the snow:

Staying toasty on the El:

We trudged through two feet of snow the morning after the blizzard to work out. The gym was pretty quiet.

There are many, many things we love about Chicago, but at the top of the list are the names of the dear ones we love who live there.

1 comment:

MK said...

I love the pictures of Scott and Eric together. One obviously looks like a Conklin brother, the other like a Conklin Wookie.