Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stuff I Love: Happy Blogs

I love reading blogs. I read about my friends and their lives and I smile when I see pictures of their kiddos growing and just being sweet. Especially when they live far away and we don't talk often, I love hearing their reflections on the everyday stuff, and knowing little details about their lives, like what delicious and creative thing they made for dinner or how much they are enjoying the snowy weather where they are. And when it comes to reading the blogs of people I don't know, I generally stick to the happy ones. I recently discovered 1000 Awesome Things and can't get enough. Just about every recent entry--except maybe the one about "all the food that comes out of a pig"--makes me smile and say, Yes!

I think about blogging much more than I actually blog and my habit has been to share about activities. Really, practically all of my entries could be titled, "Here's some stuff we did." So, I'm not sure if I'll actually do it, but I'm contemplating the occasional post that starts with "Stuff I Love." Cause if it's something small that makes me happy, maybe it will make someone else happy to read about it. We'll see... In the meantime, have a happy day!

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