Saturday, May 07, 2011


While Eric was playing in a three-day golf tournament organized by our friend, Bobby (which Eric won, by the way, earning him an awful, ginormous, yellow Hawaiian shirt), I went to Maria and Andy's for the monthly dinner that they have with Mat and Leah and whomever else is around.

After some incredible paella and lots of conversation around the table, we decided to take our full bellies out into the drizzly evening and walk them down the half mile or so to the aptly named Divine Frozen Yogurt for some dessert. It may or may not have been my second visit to a self-serve yogurt place within a week.

Freya loves her umbrella!

This stuff is soooo good.

Later in the evening, Maria decided that Freya needed to experience having her toenails painted for the first time.

Hanging out with these guys makes me happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have about 3 new frozen yogurt places in Spokane. Good stuff!

Mom Ann