Sunday, May 01, 2011

Project: Simplify -- The Garage

If you were counting (you probably weren't) my posts about the 5-week organizing challenge, Project: Simplify, from, you may have noticed that I stopped after only 4 weeks. The final week was a choose-your-own-mess hotspot, but I never chose one. I looked at my ridiculously full calendar and I looked around the house and I said, "good enough for now" and put it aside for a week (or 4). And then a full day off and a bit of sunshine came our way and Eric decided that it was time to attack a space that, I'm a tad embarrassed to admit, has never been cleaned or organized since we moved in almost three years ago. The garage.

Here are a few before pictures:

What you can't see in these pictures are the millions of strands of cobwebs and spider webs that connected every window corner and every shelf edge to every piece of sporting equipment or yard tool that hasn't been used in a few months. Yuck!

Part of Eric's motivation came from the acquisition of a new-to-us shop vac that he found at Ron and Cathy's yard sale.

And now...

Not a cobweb in sight!


But we couldn't drive our trusty, dusty little Kia Spectra, Silvie, into that nice clean garage looking the way she was looking, so Eric decided to give her a good wash and even vacuum out the inside. Isn't she shiny?

Pulling this clean car into a clean garage makes coming home that much sweeter.

1 comment:

Jo said...

I've enjoyed your organizing challenge. My goal lately has been to purposely go through every drawer and shelf and get rid of anything we don't want or need. I gathered 8 boxes!