Sunday, September 19, 2010


Last weekend, a new friend, Terri, invited us over for a little back-to-school barbecue with some families from camp that we have stayed connected with. I originally met Terri when she was Leah's long-term sub during her maternity leave and I got to know her better when she volunteered to be a family friend at Creation Vacation this summer. She has such a huge heart and is one of the most joyful people I've ever met!

So on what may have been (but I hope was not) the last gorgeous weekend of the year, Terri and Bob had us over last Sunday to eat fresh corn on the cob, fruit salad, veggie burgers (chicken for most), and lots of cake in their cute little backyard gazebo! Both Terri and Ilyne had just had birthdays, so they blew out the candles on this yummy pastel de tres leches together.

So good....
These crack me up every time I look at them. Terri had this wig around and the girls kept putting it and and posing. And then they wanted all of us to try it on.

I love these people.
When we couldn't eat any more, we slowly wandered with the girls and the dogs through the neighborhood and nearby park, watching folks picnic and play volleyball and just enjoy the sunshine. So nice.

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