Saturday, January 22, 2011

Walk There: 4T Trail--again!

After we got our Walk There book a year and a half ago, the 4T Trail was one of the first walks we did (here's the blog post from that day) and it was fun to walk it again, this time under very different weather conditions! The first time, it was a gorgeous October day with dramatic colors and mountain views, while this time, it was cool and misty, with a thick fog that swallowed us slowly as we hiked up and up toward the highest point in Portland. I love seeing for miles, but I wouldn't have exchanged yesterday's layers of ghostly trees, glowing moss and squishy ground for anything.

Another favorite part of this hike is the walk through a neighborhood where houses are perched precariously on the steep slopes of green ravines and driveways are short bridges connecting them to the road.

Last time, I took a picture of Eric sitting in this bench.

After "trail", the second "t" is for "tram" which we took from the OHSU campus down to the bank of the Willamette. One has to buy a ticket to go up, but going down is free!

The third "t" is for "trolley," the streetcar which carried us (again, for free) downtown, where we caught the fourth "t", the "train" (MAX) to head back to the zoo, where we had started.

From there we went to Whole Foods to meet Mat, Leah and Freya for dinner, which is always great fun.

And then stopped at REI, where Eric had a gift certificate to redeem. Yay! Freya had a great time hiding in the racks and trying on jackets, shoes, and sunglasses. She wanted all of them.

What a wonderful day!

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